I have driven on the opposite side of the road in many countries, but I… Read the postIreland: Turn Left at the Black and White Cow
It was day seven. Day seven of the heat. Day seven of no air conditioning. … Read the postBeli Manastir, Croatia: Lost Language
The sounds coming from the girl next to me were stupid and irritating. “Uuughhhherrrr.†And… Read the postNew York City: Mental Women, Marines, and Homeless Flirting
People do crazy things for love. Not just human love, but love of anything. I… Read the postCrazy Love: Surviving the Roads to Hampi, India
When I stepped off the bus at the Osijek bus station, Igor was waiting with… Read the postBeli Manastir, Croatia: Croatian Cliff Notes
My husband and I, along with our three-year-old daughter and the beloved family dog, drove some… Read the postEasy Out Appreciated: Road Trip Across the Deep South
Texas, Texas, Texas. Oh how I had looked forward to suckling on the moist teat… Read the postExcape From Texas: Fast Trains and Faster Women
I am a very greedy traveler. When it comes to counties, I want quantity over… Read the postThe Singapore Stopover: A Layover You Don’t Want to Miss
My attempt at spending the least amount of money possible had landed me on an… Read the postLederhosen and Dirndls: 24 hours of Oktoberfest