Author: Layla Cummins

Layla can usually be found in a job that holds little interest for her, gazing out of the window wishing for sunshine. Born in Bristol, England, she longs for reasonable weather but distracts herself by writing, either for her degree in English Literature (which she is studying part-time) or for, a website that specializes in foreign films. She's marvelled at the cleanliness of Canada, touched a thigh bone for a dare in the catacombs of Paris and hummed a tune from Final Fantasy X whilst diving through a vast school of fish in Dahab to heighten the intensity of the experience.. Her favourite city is Paris, because of a fantastic all-nighter she and another like-minded friend pulled. Aside from writing, she loves playing computer games, reading anything and everything and watching films. She has a cat called George.

October 31, 2013 /
October 28, 2013 /
October 15, 2012 /
September 1, 2012 /
August 19, 2012 /
June 11, 2012 /
April 12, 2012 /